5 Jobs May Be Replaced By AI In The Future


When it comes to the subject of whether machines or artificial intelligence will able to replace humans in the future, many people will ask themselves: what are the professions that are readily replaced and self-made? What occupations are most likely to mechanize, and which are least likely to replace in the future, so that we can easily isolate these sectors and focus on them?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly advancing, and many experts believe it will eventually replace some occupations currently performed by humans. This may be scary, but keep in mind that AI will also create new career prospects. In this post, we will look at five jobs that may be replaced by artificial intelligence in the future.

1. Data Entry Clerks

Text and numeric data entry clerks will extensively train in control, comparison, collation, and data source management. Certain guidelines must follow to maintain a uniform data-entering procedure.

Any profession, even data entry employees, requires skills. Data entry tasks typically need health, speed, accuracy, focus, and so on.

In the future, data entry clerks are in charge of entering data into computer systems. But, AI can readily automate this task. Machines are becoming more adept at detecting and interpreting data as technologies such as optical character recognition (OCR) and natural language processing (NLP) gain traction.

Artificial intelligence-powered devices can input data considerably faster and more correctly than people, minimizing the need for data entry clerks.

Data entry clerks

2. Customer Service Representatives

Chatbots increasingly use in customer service, with many websites currently using them to handle client inquiries, frequently with human support for more difficult requests.

Yet, with recent breakthroughs in AI technology, analysts anticipate that customer service jobs will gradually disappear shortly. According to Gartner (USA), by 2027, chatbots will be the primary customer care service channel for around one-quarter of all enterprises and corporations worldwide.

Chatbots and virtual customer assistants (VCAs) have become critical components of the service sector strategy for several organizations and corporations during the last decade.

When properly created, chatbots can improve the customer experience and elicit good emotions at a cheaper cost than human engagement. Additionally, AI-powered customer service can handle a large volume of inquiries simultaneously, without the need for additional staff or resources.

Overall, AI is likely to play an increasingly crucial role in customer support in the future. While AI-powered solutions cannot replace human customer service personnel, it is apparent that they may bring numerous benefits, such as 24/7 availability, quick response times, and data-driven insights to improve the overall customer experience.

Customer service

3. Telemarketer

Telemarketing will already impact by artificial intelligence. Machines can already hold conversations that are nearly indistinguishable from those with people, thanks to advances in natural language processing and speech recognition.

Chatbots and voice assistants powered by AI can manage customer inquiries and sales calls, minimizing the need for telemarketers.

Moreover, this is one of the professions most likely to replace by machines, because the worker’s job is not overly sophisticated, and the efficiency that it delivers to firms is typically low in comparison to other sales channels.

As a result, the vast majority of businesses wish to minimize or reduce the amount of money invested in this job. One of their alternatives is to automate it. According to numerous data sources, the percentage of this profession that can completely replace by machines in the future is as high as 99.9%, implying that it is almost certain.


4. Supermarket Cashier

Errors at factories, construction sites, etc. can endanger lives; similarly, errors in calculating money at stores, supermarkets, etc. It can cause difficulties, financial concerns, as well as ethical and legal quandaries (embezzlement of public funds). Automation is certainly something that many experts consider in such a job.

Furthermore, these employees’ talents are typically not overly complex. These are all human flaws because this is a vocation that requires precision and is somewhat boring. Most of the world’s biggest supermarket chains now sell goods via vending and automatic payment systems.

Supermarket cashier

5. Delivery Drivers

With the rise of self-driving cars, delivery drivers may soon supplant by artificial intelligence. Companies such as Amazon and Google are already testing self-driving trucks and drones. These machines can deliver things more quickly and efficiently than human drivers, and they don’t need breaks or sleep.

Not just factory workers, but also miners and people operating on offshore rigs are among the next category of jobs that will automate.

Automation of factory workers’ jobs has been going on since the 1970s. One of the early forms of industrial automation was the production of goods on conveyor belts. The automation of factory labor is the next step in this process.

Delivery drivers

Added jobs

Accounting professionals are in charge of auditing, financial analysis, and bookkeeping. Yet, AI is more accurate and effective than humans at carrying out many of these activities.

Journalism and literature necessitate critical thinking and complicated decision-making abilities that are now beyond the capability of AI systems. However, as AI advances, it is feasible that the responsibilities of journalists and writers may alter and that some work will automate.

Financial industry jobs, such as financial analysts and personal financial advisors, may affect. Because AI is capable of spotting market patterns, analyzing portfolio performance, and anticipating investment outcomes.


While these are just a few examples of vocations that AI may eventually replace, it’s crucial to recognize that AI may also provide new career opportunities. Humans will have more time to focus on creative and complicated work as machines take over mundane and repetitive activities. Artificial intelligence is fast growing and will inevitably disrupt many businesses and employment. Yet, keep in mind that AI will also generate new career opportunities and release humans from tedious and repetitive activities.

As AI grows more prevalent, we must adjust and prepare for the changes that lie ahead. We need to upgrade ourselves every day, by referring to The Greatest Business Book To Read In 2023. Read it now!

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